Intercity busIntercity bus

Ski Bus Ski Bus

Bici Bus Bici Bus

Transportation demand

Clic.Cat Garrotxa is a public transport service of the Generalitat de Catalunya that has established routes and timetables but is only provided if requested in advance. To use it, you must first make a reservation and indicate the origin and destination stop of the line you want.

Reservations can be made through the TAD-TEISA Nemi app at least 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time of the first stop on the corresponding line. They can also be done by phone from Monday to Friday (8.00 am - 8.00 pm). In the event that a place is required for PRM, this must be expressly indicated on the time to make the reservation.

Through the app the customer receives real-time information from the position of the vehicle and the time of arrival at the chosen stop in your reservation.

TAD Garrotxa

Clic.Cat Pla de L\'Estany

Aquest es un servei que només funciona si hi ha demanda prèvia, això vol dir que per a poder utilitzar-lo cal realitzar primer una reserva indicant la parada d’origen i la de destí. Aquestes reserves es poden realitzar mitjançant l’APP de TAD - TEISA en qualsevol moment o via telefonica (de dilluns a divendres feiners de 8 h a 20 h). En cas de les PMR, serà necesari indicar la necessitat d’una plaça.

Les reserves s’han de realitzar amb, com a mínim, 15 minuts d’antelació de l’hora estipulada de sortida de la primera parada de la línia. Un cop entrats en aquest periode, s’enviarà als usuaris que hagin realitzat una reserva la posició del vehicle així com els horaris de sortida i arribada definitius. Un cop iniciada la ruta, es podrà seguir en tot moment la ubicació del bus mitjançant l’aplicació.

Un servei sostenible, inclusiu, intermodal i tecnològic per seguir aprop teu.

TAD Pla de L'estany Gironès

This is a service that only works if there is a previous demand, this means that in order to be able to use it,
You must first make a reservation indicating the stop of origin and destination. These reservations can be made through the NEMI - TEISA APP anytime or by telephone (from Monday to Friday
Work hours from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.). In the case of PRMs, it will be necessary to indicate the need for a place.

Reservations must be made with at least 15 minutes in advance of the stipulated time of departure
first stop of the line. Once logged in this period, it will be sent to the users who have made one
Reserve the vehicle\\\'s position as well as the definitive arrival and departure times. Once the route is started, it is
You can always track the location of the bus through the application.

Indicate that the service will be carried out with a vehicle EURO 6D (latest low-emission technology), with capacity for 8 passengers (4 PMR).

A sustainable, inclusive, intermodal and technological service to keep you close.


Clic.Cat Ripollès

The service at the Transportation Demand TEISA realized that the Ripollès, allows the movement of people between villages that haven't regular transport of passengers.

From Monday to Friday, through the 4 routes that currently have, you can make trips between towns Beget, Mollo and Vallfogona Ripollès and others.

More information, 972 74 71 81.

TAD Ripollès

Consell Comarcal de La Garrotxa

The transportation Demand service that TEISA performed in the region of La Garrotxa, allows the movement of people between villages that haven'T regular transport of passangers.

Weekdays Mondayn the Olot market, offer 3 transport routes between Riudarenes, Batet de la Serra, Oix and Olot, with one way service in the morning and one retourn service at halfday. It's not necessary a reservation.

To request other transportation demand repected (not taxi) can send your request at 972 26 01 96 (Olot Bus Station). These requests will be transferred to the Consell Comarcal de La Garrotxa order to be approved.

Route 1: Olot - Batet
Route 2: Olot - Oix
Ruta 3: Maià de Montcal - Beuda - Besalú
Ruta 4: Mieres - Santa Pau - Olot
Ruta 5: Sant Aniol de Finestres - Sant Esteve de Llémena - Les Encies - Les Planes Hostoles (servei de mercat)

ATM - Àrea de Girona

The service of demand for Transport that TEISA perform at the ATM area, allows the movement of people between villages that have no regular transport of passengers.

The Wednesday market in Banyoles, this service connects Fontcoberta, the Neighborhood of Fares and Banyoles, while the Tuesday of market and thursday workday, connects the village of Caldes de Malavella and Sant Andreu Salou.

To request this service please call before 18:00 pm at the workday before you want to perform the service.

Route 1: Banyoles - Fontcoberta
Route 2: Caldes de Malavella - Sant Andreu Salou