Us informem que, amb motiu de la celebració de la Festa de la Bici i la Bicicletada, durant el matí del diumenge 6 d’octubre hi haurà talls a diferents vies de la ciutat de Barcelona, fet que... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu d’unes obres a la carretera GI-552 entre Breda i La Batllòria, es tallarà un carril (amb pas alternatiu de 08:00h a 19:00h).
Us informem que, a causa d’unes obres, la parada del c. Mulleras d’Olot (direcció Plaça Clarà) es traslladarà a uns 120 metres del lloc actual (davant la plaça ...
Els informem que, amb motiu de la 46a edició de la Cursa de la Mercè, el diumenge 29 de setembre hi haurà talls a la ciutat de Barcelona a partir de les 08:30h. A... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu de la ‘Cursa de la Dona’, el pròxim diumenge 29 de setembre (de 09:30h a 12:30h) es tallarà el trànsit al centre de la ciutat de Girona provocant canvis de... ...
Us informem que, tot i la celebració de les Festes de la Mercè, el servei especial per a estudiants del diumenge 22 de setembre NO passarà al dilluns 23, ja que la... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu de la celebració de la ‘Festa de la Cervesa Artesana’, la parada de La Rambla de Figueres quedarà anul·lada el divendres 20 (de 17:00h ...
Amb motiu del Piromusical de la Mercè que es celebrarà a Plaça Espanya el proper dimarts 24 de setembre, us informem que la parada del c. Tarragona, 129 quedarà... ...
Els informem que el dissabte 21 de setembre hi haurà talls al centre de Barcelona amb motiu del Correfoc de la Mercè. A causa d’aquest esdeveniment, les parades de... ...
Us informem que, un cop finalitzades les obres iniciades el passat mes de juliol, a partir de demà (dimecres 28 d’agost) es restableix la parada habitual de La Batllòria (Sant Celoni).
Us informem que des d’avui, dijous 11 de juliol, i fins a finals del 2025 està previst que es realitzin les obres del projecte Bus Ràpid Catalunya (BR CAT) que servirà per millorar les... ...
Us informem que a partir del dilluns 15 de juliol entren en funcionament els nous horaris de la línia Figueres-La Jonquera-El Voló. Aquest estiu, amb més busos i més freqüència!
Us informem que, amb motiu de la Diada Nacional de Catalunya, el pròxim dimecres 11 de setembre (de 08:00h a 22:00h) es tallarà la Gran Via Jaume I de Girona, que afectarà les expedicions de... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu de la celebració d’una cursa, el pròxim diumenge 8 de setembre (de 12:00h a 15:00h) s’anul·laran les parades del c. Muga i de... ...
Els informem que, amb motiu de la celebració del Pregó de la Festa Major de Sarrià de Ter, el proper dijous 5 de setembre (de 15h a 22h) es farà el mateix... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu del Triatló Internacional de Banyoles, la parada de la Vila Olímpica quedarà anul·lada el divendres 6 (a partir de les 17:00h), dissabte 7 (tot el dia) i diumenge 8 de... ...
Us informem que del dijous 8 al divendres 30 d’agost, l’L6 no podrà circular amb normalitat pel carrer del Carme de Girona a causa d’unes tasques de manteniment del sanejament.
Us informem que, amb motiu de la celebració del ‘Festival Acústica’, la parada de La Rambla de Figueres quedarà anul·lada el divendres 30, dissabte 31 d’agost ...
La Guàrdia Municipal de Sant Hilari Sacalm ens informa que el pròxim diumenge 18 d\'agost (de 10h a 20h) es tallarà la plaça del Doctor Gravalosa. Aquesta... ...
Us informem que, a causa de l’inici de les obres del projecte Bus Ràpid CAT (BR CAT), la parada de l’Estació Jove (direcció Salt) queda anul·lada fins a nova ordre.
Us informem que, amb motiu d’un esdeveniment popular, el pròxim diumenge 21 de juliol no es podran fer les parades situades al c. Muga i de l’Ajuntament de Pont de Molins. L’única parada que... ...
Us informem que el pròxim diumenge 14 de juliol (de 08:00h a 18:00h) està previst un tall a la plaça Hospital. Aquesta incidència provocarà l’anul·lació de les parades situades a la plaça... ...
Us informem que la parada de La Rambla de Figueres quedarà anul·lada del dijous 27 al diumenge 30 de juny (de 18:00h a 22:30h). Es tracta d’una afectació... ...
Us informem que amb motiu d’una exhibició de Fórmula 1, el proper dimecres 19 de juny hi haurà talls a diferents vies de la ciutat de Barcelona, fet que provocarà l’anul·lació de les... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu del ‘1r Eslàlom la Terrissa’, el pròxim diumenge 16 de juny (de 07:00h a 15:00h) no es podrà accedir al carril lent del polígon de Palol d’Onyar.
Us informem que, a causa d’unes obres, la parada situada a la plaça del Firal de Prats de Molló quedarà anul·lada el pròxim dijous 13 de juny. Aquesta incidència tindrà afectacions a totes... ...
Us informem que el pròxim dijous 6 de juny s’iniciaran unes obres a la C-65 entre Girona i Quart. Aquestes s’aturaran durant el divendres i el cap de setmana, però es reprendran el dilluns 10... ...
Us informem que el pròxim dimecres 5 de juny (de 09:00h a 13:00h i de 15:00h a 17:00h) no es podrà circular pel c. Francesc Macià de Salt. A causa d’aquesta incidència s’anul·laran les... ...
El programa Valor Afegit de Televisió de Catalunya va emetre un reportatge el passat dilluns 27 de maig sobre la iniciativa amb la qual TEISA vol facilitar la contractació de conductors vinguts de... ...
La Guàrdia Municipal de Sant Hilari Sacalm ens informa que la parada de l’Ajuntament quedarà anul·lada el divendres 31 de maig (de 14:00h a 22:00h). Per tal de facilitar la mobilitat,... ...
Us informem que el pròxim divendres 31 de maig (a partir de les 17:00h) es produiran diversos talls amb motiu de la celebració de les ‘Enramades 2024’. A ...
Els informem que el divendres 31 de maig serà el darrer dia que s’ofereix el servei per a estudiants de la línia Olot-UAB, fins al proper curs 2024/2025. ...
Us informem que el pròxim dimecres 5 de juny (de 11:00h a 13:00h) està prevista una manifestació al centre de la ciutat de Girona (pl. Pompeu Fabra i Av. Jaume I), fet que afectarà en el... ...
Us recordem que des del passat mes d’octubre s’estan realitzant unes obres a l’edifici La Sala de Canet d’Adri. Fins que no finalitzin aquestes tasques, la... ...
Us informem que a partir del divendres 3 de maig entra en funcionament un nou servei a la demanda del Consell Comarcal de la Garrotxa. Es tracta d’un servei que... ...
La Guàrdia Municipal de Sant Hilari Sacalm ens informa que la parada de l’Ajuntament quedarà anul·lada el dissabte 25 (de 15:00h a 20:00h) i el diumenge 26 de maig (de 06:00h a 19:00h). Per tal... ...
We inform you that on the occasion of the \'Cursa Diagonal DiR Guardia Urbana\', next Sunday, May 26, there will be cuts that will force the usual entry route into the city of... ...
Us informem que amb motiu de la ‘Fira de la Gent Gran’, la parada de La Rambla de Figueres quedarà anul·lada el dissabte 25 de maig (09:00h a 22:00h). Es tracta... ...
Us informem que el proper divendres 24 de maig (de 09:15h a 15:00h) es tallarà el c. del Carme entre el Pont de l’Areny i plaça Catalunya per unes tasques de manteniment.
Us informem que amb motiu de la 9a Trobada Gegantera, el pròxim diumenge 26 de maig (de 11:30h a 13:00h) es tallarà el passeig d’Olot entre el carrer del Montnegre i la rotonda del Tren d’Olot. ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the celebration of the \'Concurs de Catifes de Flors Naturals\' of Arbúcies, on Sunday, May 26, there will be damages that will cause the... ...
Us informem que els serveis especials per estudiants de la línia Olot-UAB i la línia Olot-Barcelona patiran modificacions a causa de la festivitat del proper dilluns 20 de maig a Barcelona i... ...
Us informem que les expedicions que passin per la ciutat de Girona (fins al diumenge 19 de maig) poden patir retards a causa de la celebració del \'Girona, Temps de Flors\'🌼
Us informem que el c. Xuncla de Sarrià de Ter quedarà tallat del dimarts 7 al divendres 10 de maig. A causa d’aquesta incidència, les parades del c. Xuncla i del passeig Capellades quedaran... ...
Els informem que amb motiu de la cursa de El Corte Inglés, el proper diumenge 5 de maig hi haurà talls a diferents vies de la ciutat de Barcelona, fet que provocarà l’anul·lació de les parades ...
Els informem que, amb motiu dels actes de les Fires i Festes de la Santa Creu, la parada de La Rambla de Figueres quedarà anul·lada el dimecres 1 de maig (06:00h a... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the Sant Jordi events, next Tuesday, April 23 (from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.) access to Av. Sant Francesc and pl. Catalunya will remain closed.
Els informem que, amb motiu dels actes de Sant Jordi, la parada de La Rambla de Figueres quedarà anul·lada el dimarts 23 d’abril (08:30h a 21:00h). Es tracta... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu del 25è ‘Rallye La Llana’, la carretera de Ripoll a Vallfogona de Ripollès restarà tallada el dissabte 20 d’abril (de 07:00h a 15:00h).
The Girona City Council informs us that next Saturday, April 20, a demonstration is planned that will go from Salt (starting at 11:30 a.m.) and will move along c. Santa Eugènia towards the center of ...
Us informem que, amb motiu de la Festa Major de la UdG, el pròxim dijous 18 d’abril (a partir de les 16h) s’anul·larà la parada situada al Campus de Montilivi.
We inform you that starting today (and until the works are finished) the stop at c/ Ample de Sant Esteve d\'en Bas will move to the same street, but between the corners with c/ Turró and c/ del... ...
Us informem que a causa d’unes obres que s’estan portant a terme al municipi de Les Escaules, a partir del dilluns 18 de març es canviarà la ubicació de la parada. Aquesta afectació correspon ...
We inform you that next Sunday, April 7 (from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) Av. Sant Francesc will be closed between Pl. de la Diputació and Gran Via de Jaume I. Due to this closure, L6 will change its... ...
We inform you that due to the celebration of the Mitja Marató del Pla de l\'Estany that will take place in Banyoles on Sunday, April 7, the stop at the Olympic Village (from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)... ...
The Sant Hilari Sacalm Municipal Guard informs us that on Thursday 28 (from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.) and Friday March 29 (from 9 p.m.), the stop at the Town Hall will be cancelled. To facilitate... ...
La 3a etapa de ‘La Volta’ arrencarà des de Sant Joan de les Abadesses i passarà per diferents poblacions de la comarca. Els talls provocaran retards a les següents expedicions:
Els informem que la parada de La Rambla de Figueres quedarà anul·lada el dissabte 23 de març (07:00h a 21:00h). Es tracta d’una afectació corresponent a la línia ...
Us informem que el dimarts 19 de març (de 13:00h a 14:00h), amb motiu del pas de ‘La Volta’ per Girona, es tallaran algunes de les principals vies de circulació de la ciutat (c. Emili Grahit,... ...
Us informem que ‘La Volta Ciclista a Catalunya’ passarà per Banyoles el dimarts 19 de març (de 13:00h a 14:30h). Durant aquest període, les expedicions que circulin... ...
Us informem que degut a la celebració de ‘La Volta Ciclista a Catalunya’, el dilluns 18 de març, les línies amb arribada i sortida de Sant Feliu de... ...
A causa de l’Open BTT Girona - La Jonquera, el proper diumenge 10 de març quedarà anul·lada la parada situada a l’Avinguda Lluís Companys entre les 8:00 i les 16:00.
On the occasion of ‘Jornada de l’esport femení\', next Sunday, March 10 (from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.), Pg-General Mendoza and the west side of Pl. Catalunya will remain closed,... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the demonstration for International Women\'s Day, some of the main traffic routes in Barcelona will be closed next Friday, March 8. Therefore, the following... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the \'Marató de Barcelona\' next Sunday, March 10, some of the main roads in Barcelona will be closed. For this reason, the following expeditions will only... ...
The Urban Guard of Figueres informs us that Av. Perpignan will be closed to traffic between c/Rec Arnau and c/Montgó (both directions) on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Due to this incident, the stop... ...
Nous vous informons qu\'en raison de travaux d\'asphaltage, l\'arrêt à la c/ Col·legi de Figueres sera annulé le vendredi 1er mars (de 9h00 à 13h00). Il s\'agit d\'une... ...
We inform you that, due to an Encuentro de Manaies, on Sunday March 3 (from 09:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) the stops in Banyoles (Villa Olímpica, Banyoles Centre and Cases Barates) will be moved, as you... ...
Els informem que, a causa d’un concert, la parada de La Rambla quedarà anul·lada el dissabte 24 de febrer (16:00h a 20:00h). Es tracta d’una afectació... ...
Us informem que a partir del divendres 2 de febrer entrarà en funcionament una prova pilot amb la qual es vol millorar la seguretat en les línies de bus nocturnes. Aquesta iniciativa, impulsada pel ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the celebration of the \'16th Trobada de Clàssics\' of Arbúcies, on Sunday, February 18 (all day) there will be disruptions that will... ...
Amb motiu del Carnaval de Sils, el dissabte 17 de febrer (16:45h a 18:30h) es tallarà la C-63 en el tram entre el c. Prudenci Bertrana i l’Avinguda Països Catalans. Aquesta... ...
Amb motiu de la celebració del Carnestoltes, el dissabte 17 de febrer es tallaran diferents carrers dels barris de Santa Eugènia i Can Gibert del Pla. Aquests talls a ...
On the occasion of the Sils Carnival, on Saturday, February 17 (4:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.) the C-63 will be cut in the section between c. Prudenci Bertrana and Avinguda Països Catalans. This impact... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu de la Rua de Carnestoltes, el dissabte 17 de febrer (de 15:00h a 22:00) s’anul·laran les parades del c. Mulleras, passeig Sant Roc... ...
We inform you that next Thursday, February 15 (11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) the bidding on the 1st of Maig de Vila-roja will be cut off due to maintenance tasks. During this period,... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu de la celebració de la ‘Rua de Carnaval’, el divendres 9 de febrer (de 14:30h a 19:30h) poden haver-hi retards a les expedicions de la línia Girona-Sant Feliu de... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu de la ‘Mitja Marató de Barcelona’ del proper diumenge 11 de febrer, s’anul·laran les parades de Pla de Palau i Av. Gran Via, 658. Per tal de facilitar la mobilitat, ...
Us informem que, amb motiu de la celebració Carnestoltes de Sarrià de Ter del proper dissabte 10 de febrer (de 15:00h a 18:30h) es modificarà el recorregut de les... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the celebration of the \'Rua de Carnaval\', on Sunday, February 11 (from 1:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) the buses on the Girona-Sant Feliu de Guíxols line will not be ...
La Policia Local de Sant Celoni ens informa que el dilluns 5, dimarts 6 i dijous 8 de febrer no es podrà accedir al carrer Campins per unes obres de reasfaltatge.
Us informem que, amb motiu de la celebració de la ‘Rua infantil de disfresses’, el dimecres 7 de febrer (de 11:00h a 12:00h) els busos de la línia Girona-Sant Feliu de Guíxols no podran... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu del ‘Carnestoltes de Salt’, les parades del c/Major de la L3 quedaran anul·lades el proper dissabte 3 de febrer (de 17h a 21h).... ...
Us informem que el dissabte 3 de febrer (de 15:30h a 18:00h) s’anul·larà la parada de la Vila Olímpica de Banyoles per uns talls a la circulació. Pel que fa la parada de Banyoles Centre,... ...
Us informem que, amb motiu de la ‘Tradeinn Cursa contra el càncer’, el diumenge 4 de febrer (de 08:00h a 14:00h) es tallaran els accessos a pl. Pompeu Fabra i pl. Catalunya. Aquesta incidència... ...
Us informem que amb motiu del ‘Mapping Casa Batlló’, el dissabte 27 i el diumenge 28 de gener hi haurà restriccions de trànsit al centre de la ciutat de Barcelona. A causa d’aquestes... ...
We inform you that the line that connects Girona, Olot, Sant Joan de les Abadesses and Ripoll will incorporate new expeditions starting Monday, January 15. In total, 4 new... ...
Us informem que, a partir del dilluns 15 de gener, es posarà en marxa un nou servei dins del Transport a la Demanda (TAD) del Ripollès. Es tracta del trajecte Ripoll-Ogassa i viceversa, que en... ...
We inform you that next Sunday, January 21 (from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.),1r de Maig will be cut off due to some works. During this period, the stops of c. Planura, pujada del 1r ...
Els informem que degut a la celebració de la Fira de Sant Antoni al municipi d’Anglès, el proper dissabte 20 de gener (de 07:00h a 20:00h), les parades... ...
Us informem que el pròxim dijous 18 de gener (de 17:00h a 18:30h) hi haurà afectacions (parades anul·lades i canvis de recorregut) a l’L6 i L’16 a causa d’una manifestació que transcorrerà ...
La Policia Local de Salt ens informa que, a causa d’unes obres, durant tot el diumenge 14 de gener del 2024, les parades del c/Major de la L3 quedaran anul·lades.... ...
Els informem que, amb motiu de les obres a la N-141 a l’alçada d’Anglès, les parades del centre del municipi quedaran anul·lades. S’espera que es pugui... ...
El proper dijous 5 de gener, és tallarà l’accés al centre del municipi de Girona i Salt. És per aquest motiu que els autobusos de les línies L3 i L4 hauran de modificar el seu recorregut de... ...
Els informem que, amb motiu de la Cavalcada de Reis de Santa Eugènia i Can Gibert, el proper dijous 4 de gener hi haurà afectacions a l’L3, L4 i L9 (de 18:00h a 19:30h).
We inform you that, on the occasion of the San Silvestre de Girona race, next Sunday, December 31, there will be effects (delays and canceled stops) on lines L3, L4, L6 and also on some interurban... ...
Con motivo de la celebración de la Cercavila de Navidad del barrio de Santa Eugenia, el próximo miércoles 27 de diciembre (de 16:45h a 19:00h) habrá afectaciones en la L3 en los dos sentidos de... ...
Con motivo de la celebración de la Cercavila de Navidad del barrio de Pont Major, el próximo jueves 28 de diciembre (de 16:00h a 18:00h) se cortará la circulación de vehículos en el passeig de... ...
We inform you that during the Christmas holidays, the special services for students on the UAB-Olot line and the Barcelona-Olot line will be as follows:
We inform you that on Wednesday, December 6 and Thursday, December 7, the following special services will not be offered for students on the UAB-Olot line or the Barcelona-Olot... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the Figueres Half Marathon, the La Rambla stop will be canceled on Saturday, December 2 (5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.). This is an affectation... ...
We inform you that next Sunday, December 3, the La Rambla stop (07.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.) corresponding to the connection line between the Bus Station and the AVE Station will be... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of some asphalt work on Vial Sant Jordi, on Monday, November 20 and Tuesday, November 21, the \\\'La Rodona\\\' stop will take place at the Zamenhoff street detour ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the Christmas lights switch-on, the La Rambla de Figueres stop will be canceled on Saturday 25 November (5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.). This is... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the Jean Bouin Race in Barcelona, next Sunday, November 26, the stops on Av. Gran Via 658, Pla de Palau and Calle Tarragona 129 will be... ...
We inform you that next Sunday, November 19 (from 9:50 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) the road from Ripoll to Sant Joan de les Abadesses will be closed. Due to this impact, the... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the Half Marathon, next Sunday, November 19, there will be cuts in the city of Lleida. Due to these effects there may be delays in the first shipments of the... ...
We inform you that, due to a closure due to works on Carrer del Carme in Girona, on Sunday, November 19 (from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.) there will be disruptions on L6 with the cancellation of stops. There... ...
We inform you that starting Monday, November 13, L6 will be reinforced with an extension of the hourly frequency and the new L16 will also come into operation. With these two new features, bus... ...
We inform you that next Sunday, November 12 (from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) the stops at Av. Gran Via 658 and Pla de Palau square will be canceled due to the celebration of the Barcelona Women\'s... ...
We inform you that, due to the celebration of a Halloween activity in Santa Cristina de Aro, the buses of the Girona-Sant Feliu de Guíxols line will not be able to make the stops at c/ Teulera in... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the \'VIII Cursa de la Dona\', next Sunday, November 5, 2023, there will be traffic cuts in different parts of the city of Figueres.
On the occasion of the \\\'Castell de Focs\\\' of the Fires of Sant Narcís, next Sunday, November 5 (from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) vehicle circulation will be closed on the Pont de la Barca and on... ...
We inform you that on the occasion of the All Saints\' Fair, next Wednesday, November 1, there will be restrictions when accessing the Pompeu Fabra square in Girona. For this reason, pl positions... ...
We inform you that the bus stop located on Avinguda del Cavall Bernat in Platja d\\\\\\\'Aro is closed in both directions, that is, in the direction of Sant Feliu de Guíxols and ...
¡Llegan las Ferias y Fiestas de San Narciso! Para hacerlo con total seguridad, TEISA, el Ayuntamiento de Girona y TMG ponen a su disposición el Bus Nocturno de #FiresGirona que da servicio a toda... ...
We inform you that during the Sant Narcís Fires there will be damage to the entire city of Girona. Apart from possible delays, it is also worth highlighting the cancellation of stops and the... ...
We inform you that next Sunday, October 22, the stops on Av. Gran Via 658 and Pla de Palau square due to the celebration of the Barcelona Firefighters Race.
We inform you that from Monday 23 October new expeditions will start operating. As you can see in the attached image, these are two new services that will connect Girona with... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the Sant Martirià Festival, on Friday the 20th (from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) and Saturday, October 21 (from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.) there... ...
Canet d\'Adri Town Council informs us that from Monday 16 October, works will begin on the La Sala building. Until these tasks are completed, the Plaça del Poble stop will be... ...
We inform you that on Sunday, October 15, from 8:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., there will be traffic closures due to the Carrer Nou de Girona Race. These incidents will cause route... ...
Although October 12 is a holiday, we inform you that university centers consider Friday the 13th to be a school day. In this sense, on Wednesday the 11th, special services for... ...
We inform you that due to road painting works on the Camí dels Oms de Vilafant, on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 October, from 09:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., there will be a change of route ...
On the occasion of the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Challenge Barcelona Triathlon\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' that will be held next Sunday, October 8, we inform you that the Sagrera stop will be canceled ...
The Figueres Urban Guard informs us that on Friday, September 29, 2023, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Perpinyà Avenue in Figueres is scheduled to be closed for road painting work.
We inform you that on Saturday, September 23, there will be cuts in the center of Barcelona on the occasion of the Correfoc de la Mercè. Due to this event, the stops at La... ...
On the occasion of the Piromusical de la Mercè that will be held in Plaça Espanya next Monday, September 25, we inform you that the stop at c. Tarragona, 129 will be cancelled. ...
We inform you that from October 1st (incl.) the winter hours of the Camprodon-Ripoll-Vic-Barcelona line begin, which will be valid until March 31, 2024.
Due to the works being carried out on the C-152 from the Bracons Tunnel roundabout to Solfa de Olot, we inform you that the connection of the Garrotxa Transversal Bus... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the 45th edition of the Cursa de la Mercè, on Sunday, September 17, there will be cuts in the city of Barcelona starting at 8:30 a.m. Due... ...
We inform you that on Monday, September 11, traffic in the city of Barcelona will be conditioned by the Diada demonstration. Due to these effects, expeditions that leave from/arrive in Barcelona... ...
The City Council and the Local Police of Salt inform us that on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 September (all day) c. de les Guilleries in the section between c. Dr. Ferran and c. Xavier Montsalvatge.... ...
We inform you that from Tuesday 12 September the new timetables for the Girona-Sant Gregori-Sant Esteve de Llémena line will come into force, where the following departures will be moved forward by... ...
We inform you that the stops located in the center of Anglès will be canceled on Monday, September 4 from 9:30 p.m. due to the celebration of the Anglès Gala. As indicated in... ...
We inform you that on Sunday September 3 (from 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) the stop at the Vila Olímpica de Banyoles will be canceled due to a sporting event. As for the Banyoles Center stop, this... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the Proclamation of the Sarrià de Ter Festival, next Thursday, August 31 (from 12:00 to 10:00 p.m.) the same route will be taken as on... ...
We inform you that, due to the passage of La Vuelta a España 2023 through the city of Barcelona, on Saturday, August 26, there may be delays in the... ...
Due to the celebration of different events of the Sant Hilari Sacalm Festival, the City Hall stop will be canceled on Thursday 24 (from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.), Friday 25 (10:30... ...
We inform you that, due to the celebration of the Festival of Santa Cristina d\'Aro, on Saturday 22 (from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and Monday 24 July (from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00... ...
We inform you that, due to maintenance tasks at the height of c. Santa Eugènia 22, on Tuesday July 25 (from 08:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) the stops at pl. Poeta Marquina and pl.... ...
We inform you that, due to the celebration of the Banyoles International Triathlon, on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 (from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) and on Saturday, July 22 (all day), the Vila Olímpica... ...
We inform you that due to some works on the road that connects the municipalities of Boadella and Biure that are expected to last until July 9, the Boadella and Escaules stops... ...
We inform you that, starting this week, all the bus stops of the interurban lines in the city of Girona operated by TEISA (L3, L4, L6 and L9) have installed the NaviLens codes, a ...
We inform you that the restriction that prohibits the access of electric scooters and unicycles to public transport is extended until October 31. The restriction, in force since... ...
On the occasion of the ´Mostra del Vi de l’Empordà´, from Thursday, June 29 to Sunday, July 2, the La Rambla de Figueres stop will be canceled after 6:00 p.m. It is an... ...
We inform you that due to some works on the road that connects the municipalities of Boadella and Biure, from Monday June 26 until the end of the works (forecast 15 days) the... ...
We inform you that the Sant Hilari Sacalm Town Hall stop will be canceled on Friday, June 16 from 2 p.m. due to the celebration of the VIII Rally Legend Les Corbes. Sunday... ...
We inform you that, on Wednesday, June 14 (from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.), the pujada del 1r de Maig in Vila-roja will be closed due to painting work on the road markings. During this... ...
We inform you that, due to a demonstration that will cause traffic to be cut off on c. Aragó in Barcelona, on Monday June 12 the stop located at c.... ...
The Local Police of Arbúcies informs us that, due to the celebration of the \'Enramades\', there will be several cuts in the municipality which will cause the cancellation of... ...
We inform you that due to the celebration of the \\\'Festa de la Bicicleta y la Bicicletada\\\', during the morning of Sunday, June 11, there will be cuts on different roads in... ...
The Municipal Guard of Sant Hilari Sacalm informs us that on Friday, June 2 (from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) the Doctor Gravalosa square will be closed for the celebration of the... ...
We inform you that, due to the celebration of the Concurs de Catifes de Flors Naturals in Arbúcies, on Sunday June 4 there will be disruptions that will cause the stop located... ...
The Municipal Guard of Sant Hilari Sacalm informs us that on Saturday 27 (from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) and Sunday, May 28 (from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.), the Doctor Gravalosa... ...
We inform you that TEISA implements the Bussle App, a tool that promotes sustainable mobility in public bus transport among people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and other... ...
We inform you that due to the Urban Police race, next Sunday, May 21, there will be cuts that will make it necessary to modify the usual route of entry into the city of... ...
We would like to inform you that a celebration street is planned for this afternoon in the city of Barcelona, which is why traffic will be cut off as the FC... ...
We inform you that due to the El Corte Inglés race, next Sunday, May 7, there will be cuts on different roads in the city of Barcelona, which will... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of Labor Day, demonstrations will be held throughout Monday May 1 that will cause cuts in different roads in the city of Barcelona. These affectations can cause... ...
The Figueres City Council informs us that due to the celebration of the Fairs and Festivals of the Santa Creu several streets of the city will be cut off. For this reason, from... ...
We inform you that, on the occasion of the Labor Day demonstration, on Monday, May 1 (from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.) the following stops on L6 will be cancelled:
We inform you that next Saturday, April 22, Rumbus will be launched, a line that will facilitate access to the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park. This new service, operated by... ...
We inform you that next Sunday, April 16, several streets in the center of the city of Girona will be closed due to the 'Cursa d'Esports Parra'. These cuts will cause the following effects:
We inform you that the Girona ATM has announced the integration of La Garrotxa tariffs. This initiative will allow users to use different means of public transport with their subscription, which will ...
We inform you that next Monday, April 10 (from 08:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.), the stops at Plaza Pompeu Fabra and Paseo General Mendoza will be canceled due to pavement repair works. ...
The Municipal Guard of Sant Hilari Sacalm informs us that on Thursday 6 (from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) and on Friday, April 7 (from 8:00 p.m.), the City Hall stop will be... ...
We inform you that, due to the celebration of the Procession of the Holy Burial, the L6 will see its usual route affected on Friday, April 7 (from 9:00 p.m.) with the... ...
We inform you that, due to the departure of the Manaies de Girona, the L6 will see its usual route affected on Wednesday 5 (from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.) and on Friday, April 7 (from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 ...
We inform you that due to the celebration of the 'Fira del Brunyol' in Figueres, on Saturday, April 1, the La Rambla stop will be canceled throughout the day. This affectation... ...
We inform you that, due to the celebration of La Volta Ciclista a Catalunya, on Sunday, March 26, there may be some delay in the expedition that leaves at 11:00 a.m. from... ...
We inform you that due to the celebration of the Populària Figueres, on Saturday March 25 the stop of La Rambla will be canceled -from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m- corresponding to... ...
We inform you that due to the celebration of the Pla de l'Estany Half Marathon that will take place in Banyoles on Sunday, March 26, the stop at the Villa Olímpica -from 08:30... ...
We inform you that due to the celebration of La Volta Ciclista a Catalunya, on Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 March, the lines arriving and departing from Olot may be... ...
We inform you that due to the celebration of La Volta Ciclista in Catalonia on Monday, March 20, the lines with arrival and departure from Sant Feliu de Guíxols will be... ...
We inform you that, due to the passage of the Cycling Tour of Catalonia through the Ripollès region, on Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 March there may be effects on the following expeditions:
We inform you that next Monday 20/03/2023, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m., you will not be able to access the center of Santa Cristina d'Aro,... ...
We inform you that next Monday 20/03/2023, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., you will not be able to access the center of Cassà de la Selva. In order to minimize the impact,... ...
Dear users,
We inform you that, due to weather conditions, this year we are ending the TEISA SKI-BUS service.
The Salt City Hall informs us that next Monday, March 20, some works by the electric company will begin on Calle Major. These tasks, which are expected to last for a week,... ...
We inform you that the stops located in the center of Anglès will be canceled due to some sewage works that will be carried out from Monday 13 to Friday 17 March. As... ...
We inform you that on Sunday, March 12, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., the c. Doctor Codina for the celebration of the 'Fira de la Matança del Porc'. Provisionally, a stop will be ...
We inform you that on Monday, March 13, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., c/ Dr. Castany de Salt, which will cause the cancellation of the stop located at c/ de les Llevadores... ...
We inform you that next Sunday, March 12, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the stop on Lluís Companys street in La Jonquera will be cancelled. To minimize the impact, an... ...
They are informed that next Wednesday, March 8, on the occasion of a demonstration for International Women's Day, some of the main roads in Barcelona will be cut off. Among ...
We inform you that on Saturday, March 4, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., the Rambla de Figueres will be closed due to the celebration of some children's activities. This cut... ...
Due to the celebration of the 'Women's Sports Day', next Sunday, March 5, 2023, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Paseo General Mendoza and the west side of Plaza Catalunya will... ...
On the occasion of the celebration of Carnival, on Saturday, February 25, different streets in the neighborhoods of Santa Eugenia and Can Gibert del Pla will be blocked. These... ...
We inform you that, on February 22 and 23, from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., traffic will be cut on Teulera street due to some works to adapt the pedestrian crossings. This impact... ...
We inform you that, due to the celebration of the Rúa del Carnaval, next Sunday, February 19, from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., the buses of the Girona - Sant Feliu de Guíxols line ...
On the occasion of the Barcelona Half Marathon next Sunday, February 19, the Pla de Palau and Gran Via 658 stops will be cancelled. To facilitate mobility, a provisional stop... ...
We inform you that since the beginning of February, TEISA has a new office in Roger de Llúria street, 26 (mezzanine, 2B) in Barcelona. The place, located 50 meters from the Av.... ...
Due to the celebration of the Salt Carnival, next Saturday, February 11, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., the stops on c/Major on L3 will be cancelled. The L4 stops will be... ...
We inform you that, due to a traffic cut on Carrer del Carme, between the Areny bridge and the Les Pedreres ascent, L6 will be affected by the usual route on Friday, February 10... ...
We inform you that next Sunday, January 29, from 09:50 am to 12:00 pm, buses on the Girona-Olot line via Banyoles will not be able to make the stop located on Avenida Ramon ...
We inform you that next Wednesday, January 25, the stop located at Calle Tarragona, 129 (Barcelona) will be canceled from 09:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. due to a demonstration.... ...
As of next Tuesday, January 24, the new schedules of the Girona - Sant Gregori line come into force, where the 06:40 expedition will start the journey at 06:30, as can be... ...
We inform you that due to the celebration of the Sant Antoni Fair in the municipality of Anglès, next Saturday January 14, from 07:00 to 20:00 h, the stops located in the... ...
Next Thursday, January 5, access to the center of the municipality of Girona and Salt will be cut. It is for this reason that buses on lines L3 and L4 will have to modify... ...
Next Saturday 31st in the afternoon, the TEISA lines that run through the center of Girona will be affected between 5.50pm and 7pm, as specified below:
Next Saturday 31st in the afternoon, the TEISA lines that run through the center of Girona will be affected between 5.50pm and 7pm, as specified below:
Next Saturday 31st in the afternoon, the TEISA lines that run through the center of Girona will be affected between 5.50pm and 7pm, as specified below:
We inform you that Thursday 22 December will be the last day
that special services will be offered for students on the UAB-Olot line and the Barcelona-Olot line. ...
From next Tuesday, December 20 at 8 a.m. and until Friday, December 23 at 4 p.m., line 3 will see its route modified, leaving a section of c. Major of Salt. In order to... ...
On Thursday, December 15, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and on Friday, December 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., the Països Catalans avenue will be closed for... ...
On Thursday, December 1, from 06:00 to 15:00, the road from Palamós to Sant Feliu de Guíxols will be closed for some works. This cut will cause the expedition that leaves ...
On the occasion of the 6th Figueres Half Marathon, next Saturday the 3rd (from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm) and on Sunday, December 4 (from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm), the Rambla stop will ...
We regret to inform you that the road that connects Ripoll with St. Joan de les Abadesses will be closed for some works on Sunday, November 20 from 9:50 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.... ...
We regret to inform you that while the works affecting the C-66 continue, we will not be able to guarantee the connection of the L1 (Girona-Olot via Banyoles) with the BTG... ...
Despite being a public holiday, there will be no special services for students on the UAB – Olot line or the Barcelona – Olot line on November 1st. So:
On the occasion of the celebration of the Sant Narcís Fairs 2022, the circulation of L6 as it passes through pl. Catalonia will see its usual route affected. The stops of... ...
The Fairs and Festivals of Sant Narcís are here and to celebrate it in complete safety, TEISA, the Girona City Council and TMG put at your disposal the Girona Fairs Night Bus. With 4 routes serving... ...
Next Sunday, October 23, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Gran Via 658 and Plaça Pla de Palau stops will be canceled due to the celebration of the Barcelona Firefighters... ...
Inform them that a modification has been made to the timetables of the Girona - Caldes de Malavella line as it passes through the Fornells de la Selva estate (Girona... ...
Due to the celebration of the Carrer Nou race, next Sunday, October 16, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., there will be no stops in the center of Girona. In order to facilitate... ...
On Wednesday 12 October (from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.) the stops at Plaça Poeta Marquina and Plaça Marqués de Camps will be canceled due to pavement repair works and the ...
On Wednesday October 12 (from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.) the stops in Plaça Pompeu Fabra and pg. General Mendoza will be canceled due to pavement repair works. In order to... ...
As of next Thursday, October 13, the 9.15 p.m. Olot - Ripoll expedition will no longer stop at La Rodona d'Olot and will stop in front of the Mossos d'Esquadra police... ...
We inform you that due to asphalting works in different parts of Sant Celoni, which will start from October 10, some of the usual itineraries will be affected.
We inform you that next Sunday 09/10/2022, the route of the L6 from Vila-roja to Sarrià at 10 a.m. will not be able to circulate through the center of Girona, as can be... ...
We inform you that next Sunday 02/10/2022 from 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the route of the Girona - st. Feliu de Guíxols will be affected by a sporting event, so the route... ...
We inform you that from next Friday, September 16, Salitja's main square will be closed until further notice. In the meantime, a temporary stop will be enabled at c.... ...
We inform you that from next Monday 5th September , the Girona – Sant Gregori line will modify its timetables, advancing the first two expeditions of Girona – St.... ...
We inform you that due to the collapse at the Països Catalans roundabout in Girona, the stop on the Girona – Llagostera – Sant Feliu line, located on Carrer Emili... ...
We inform you that next Friday 22/07/2022 from 8 am to 6 pm, the route of the L6 will be affected by a cut, so the route will be modified as shown in the attached map.
We inform you that next Saturday 16/07/2022 throughout the day, the route of the line Girona - st. Feliu de Guíxols will be affected by a sporting event, so the route will ...
Due to maintenance work, next Friday, July 1 from 14:00 and Saturday, July 2 all day, the stop of the City of St. Hilari will be annulled. A temporary stop will be set up... ...
As of next Friday, July 1, the new timetables for the Girona - St. Feliu de Guíxols, where some of the expeditions with a stop at Girona Airport are being recovered and... ...
From next Monday, June 20, 2022, the BTG will change its schedules and route. Adding stop to IE. Greda, the Pla de Baix estate, the Nou d'Olot Hospital and Plaça Clarà.
Due to some works promoted by the Banyoles City Council, from next Thursday 16 June at 3 pm and until further notice, the Banyoles Center stop in the direction of Girona... ...
Sunday, June 12 will be the last Sunday of this year when the bus will run at 8:30 p.m. from Olot to Barcelona (by Amer).
In the same way, Friday 17 June will be the ...
Due to the Banyoles triathlon, next Sunday, June 12, from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the Vila Olímpica stop will be canceled and the Banyoles Center stop will be moved to the ...
Due to the competition of floral carpets next Sunday 12/06 in Arbúcies, throughout the day the stop of pl. from Can Reus will be moved to the roundabout on Avinguda dels... ...
Due to maintenance work, next Monday, June 6, from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, the stops in the center of Girona will be canceled for both the L6 and the intercity lines.
Due to maintenance work, next Friday, June 3, from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm, the St. Hilari will be canceled. A temporary stop will be set up at the roundabout at Juani Bar.
Due to the works on Avinguda Sant Jordi, we inform you that from Monday 30 May, this stop will be canceled (Monday to Saturday), and will be moved to the old stop on Avinguda Girona. (in front of the ...
Due to maintenance work, next Saturday, May 28 from 3 to 7 p.m., and Sunday, May 29 from 6 to 3 p.m., St. Paul City Hall will stop. Hilari will be canceled. A temporary... ...
Next Sunday, May 29, throughout the morning, the Sagrera and Fabra i Puig stops will be canceled and, to avoid cuts, Barcelona will be accessed from the Ronda Litoral.
Figueres City Council informs us that from next Sunday 22 May 2022 from 10.30 am until the end of the event, the Rambla stop will be canceled, so the connection line... ...
We inform you that next Saturday 14/05/2022 from 15:50 h to 18:30 h, the stop of St. Feliu - Vilartagues will be canceled, as shown in the attached map.
Next Sunday, May 8, from 8 am to 5 pm, the Sagrera and Fabra i Puig stops will be canceled and, to avoid cuts, access will be made to Barcelona from the Ronda Litoral.
Figueres City Council informs us that from next Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 4 pm and until Sunday, May 1 at 11 pm, the Rambla stop will be canceled, so the connection line... ...
We would like to inform you that next Sunday 1/05/2022 from 6pm to 9pm, L6 buses will not be able to run on Jaume I, and all stops from Jaume I to the Mercat del Lleó will ...
We inform you that next Sunday 1/05/2022 from 6pm to 9pm, the route of the L3 will be affected by a demonstration, so the route will be modified according to the position... ...
Per unanimitat d’aquest Consell d’Administració s’acorda convocar als accionistes a la Junta General Ordinària i Extraordinària d’Accionistes, que tindrà lloc en el domicili social de la... ...
We would like to inform you that next Sunday (3/4/22) the Pla de palau stop will be canceled from 8 am to 12 noon due to the passage of the Barcelona half marathon. For... ...
We would like to inform you that next Sunday 03/04/2022 from 8 am to 2 pm, the L6 buses will not be able to run on Jaume I, and all stops from the Post Office to the Mercat ...
We would like to inform you that next Saturday 02/04/2022 from 11.30 am to 9 pm, buses on the L3 Salt - Girona line (on Carrer Major) will not be able to stop on Avinguda... ...
We would like to inform you that next Sunday 03/04/2022 from 1.30 pm to 9 pm, the buses on the Girona - St. Feliu will not be able to make the stops of the c. Teulera de... ...
The Bici-Bus is a regular line service with a trailer for transporting up to 20 bicycles. 2 services between Girona - Olot, and 2 services between... ...
Due to the celebration of the Banyoles half marathon, next Sunday, March 27 from 8 am to 1 pm, the Vila Olímpica stop will be canceled and the Banyoles Center stop will be ...
Due to a cut in the c. del Carme, on Wednesday 23 March from 1pm to 3pm, the stops on the ascent of Les Pedreres and Av. Sant Francesc will be canceled, as can be seen in... ...
We would like to inform you that due to the works on the C-63 road from next Tuesday 8/03/2022 to 29/03/2022, the stops on the Girona - Anglès - Olot, Olot - Barcelona... ...
We would like to inform you that next Tuesday, 22/03/2022 and until the completion of the works, it will not be possible to access the center of Cassà de la Selva. In... ...
We would like to inform you that next Monday 21/03/2022 from 12 noon to 1.30 pm and from 3 pm to 4.30 pm, it will not be possible to access the center of Sta. Cristina... ...
We would like to inform you that next Monday 21/03/2022 from 12 noon to 1.30 pm and from 4 pm to 5 pm, it will not be possible to access the Vilartagues stop, as can be... ...
We inform you that next Monday 21/03/2022 from 12.30 pm to 3 pm, it will not be possible to access the center of Cassà de la Selva. In order to minimize the impact, two... ...
For safety reasons, and following the recommendations of the Vallter2000 Ski Station, due to the bad climatological conditions that affect the normal activity of... ...
We would like to inform you that next Wednesday 16/03/2022 from 12 noon to 2 pm, the L6 buses will not be able to run on Jaume I, and all stops from the Post Office to the... ...
Girona City Council has informed us that next Saturday, March 5, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, traffic will be cut off from Av. Santa Eugènia and Passeig d’Olot.
Banyoles City Council has informed us that next Saturday and Sunday, 26 and 27 February, until 3pm on Sunday, the Vila Olímpica stop will be canceled and the Banyoles -... ...
We would like to inform you that from next Monday, February 21st, the Banyoles - Figueres line will change its timetables, as can be seen in the attached timetable.
Due to a cut in the c. of Dr. Ferran, on Wednesday 9 February all day, the stop on the L9 of c. of Alfons Moré will be annulled, as can be seen in the attached plan. Also, ...
Due to a cut in the c. del Carme, on Saturday, January 29, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., the stops on the ascent of Les Pedreres and Av. Sant Francesc will be canceled, as can be... ...
We would like to inform you that from next Monday 17 January, the Rambla Xavier Cugat will be affected by works on it. That is why the route of the Girona - St. Gregory... ...
Next Wednesday, January 5, from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, access to the center of Girona will be cut off. For this reason, buses running between them will not stop on Ramon... ...
Next Wednesday, January 5, access to the center of the municipality of Girona and Salt will be cut off. For this reason, buses on the L3 and L4 lines will have to change... ...
Salt City Council has informed us that next Thursday, December 30, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, access to c / Major will be cut off due to the celebration of a... ...
Due to the constant cuts nocturnes on the meridian avenue, the expeditions of the Barcelona st line. Hilari (and vice versa) at 8:00 pm will not stop at Fabra i Puig.
Next Saturday, December 18, the stops of the c. Sta. Eugenia between Dr. Castany and the c. Guell River will be canceled from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Instead, it will be... ...
Next Sunday, December 19, the stop of c. The ditch will be canceled from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Instead, there will be a stop on Av. of St. Francesc, as you can see in the... ...
Next Tuesday, December 14, the CARRER MAJOR of SARRIÀ DE TER will be CUT from 4 pm to 5 pm, and its circulation will be prohibited. In its place it will circulate by the... ...
Next Friday, November 26, from 1pm to 3pm, the N-141e will be closed at the English entrance, so the English and return stops will be canceled, both as can be seen in the... ...
Next Sunday, November 28, from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm, the Pla de Palau stop will be canceled, so the arrival expeditions at 9.10 am Sant Hilari - Barcelona and departure at 9.30 am... ...
Figueres City Council informs us that from next Monday 22 November 2021 until Wednesday 24 November (both inclusive), the Rambla stop will be canceled, from 8 am to 6 pm, so... ...
Girona City Council has informed us that, next Sunday, November 14, pl. Pompeu Fabra will be cut from 8 am to 10 pm, with the stops on pl. Pompeu Fabra and c. General... ...
We inform you that next Sunday, November 7, the Sagrera and Fabra i Puig stops in Barcelona will be canceled throughout the morning. There will be only stops for Pau Claris ...
The Sant Narcís Fairs and Festivals are coming, to do so with total safety, the @girona_cat City Council and #TMG are putting the #FiresGirona Night Bus at your disposal! With 3 routes that serve... ...
The service on Sunday, October 31th will take place on Monday, November 1st and the services on Monday 1st will take place on Tuesday the 2nd.
They would be as follows:
Due to the paving of the road from Arbúcies to St. Hilari, from October 28 to November 5, the stops of the Font del Ferro and Pedra Llarga will be canceled, as can be seen ...
Girona City Council has informed us that on the occasion of the main festival, on November 1, access to this section of Carrer del Carme and Plaça Catalunya will be cut from 8 am to 9 pm, with stops ...
Tomorrow, Tuesday, the Olot exit section of Passeig de Barcelona will be paved. The transit will be diverted through Plaça Clarà and behind the Borrell hotel. To return... ...
Due to the firefighters race, Barcelona City Council informed us that the next Sunday, October 24, the Pla de Palau stop will be canceled throughout the morning.
Due to the half marathon, Barcelona City Council has informed us that next Sunday, October 15, the Pla de Palau stop will be canceled until 12 in the morning.
Girona City Council has informed us that, next Sunday 17 October from 9.30 am to 12 noon, the stops on L3 and L4 pl. Marquis of Camps, pl. Poeta Marquina, La punxa, Parc... ...
Girona City Council has informed us that on the occasion of the works to be carried out at Carrer del Carme nº 77, on 11 October, access to this section of Carrer del Carme and Plaça Catalunya will ...
We would like to inform you that on October 3, 2021 , the Olot - Universitat Autònoma de Bellaterra service for English and Banyoles for the 2021-22 academic year will begin.
Banyoles City Council has informed us that next Saturday, September 4, throughout the day and Sunday, September 5, until 3 pm, the Vila Olímpica stop will be canceled and... ...
Next Friday, September 3, the CARRER MAJOR of SARRIÀ DE TER will be CUT, and its circulation will be prohibited throughout the day. In its place it will circulate by the... ...
Next Saturday, August 7, the works on c. Freedom, so the usual stops in the municipality will be reimbursed and the temporary stops located in Caprabo or in the Town Hall... ...
From next Monday, July 12, new timetables for the Girona - Lleida line will come into operation with more expeditions and a higher frequency. Specifically, one more... ...
We would like to inform you that from next Wednesday 30/6, the timetables on the Figueres - La Jonquera - El Voló line will be modified as shown below in order to improve... ...
Due to a cut in c. del Carme, on Tuesday 22 June from 10.30 to 11.30 h, the stops on the ascent of Les Pedreres and Av. Sant Francesc will be canceled, as can be seen in... ...
Due to a citizen mobilization, next Friday, June 4, from 3.30 pm to 5 pm, the stops on c. James I, pl. Pompeu Fabra and Mercat del Lleó will be canceled as can be seen in... ...
Girona City Council informs us that next Saturday, June 5, 2021, the stop on pl. Poet Marquina and the stop of pl. Marquès de Camps will be canceled from 16:00 to 23:00, so... ...
From next Monday, June 7, 2021, the schedules of the polygon bus of Politger will be modified and two new outbound and two return expeditions will be added, as well as the... ...
From next Tuesday, June 1, 2021, the stop on demand of Mieres within the regular line of Santa Pau will come into operation. This line will offer 4 expeditions to connect Mieres with... ...
Due to the floral carpet contest next Sunday 30/05 in Arbúcies, throughout the day the stop of pl. from Can Reus will be moved to the roundabout on Avinguda dels Països... ...
Figueres City Council informs us that next Saturday, May 22, 2021, the Rambla stop will be canceled from 10:00 to 12:00, so the connection line between the bus station and the ...
Due to the continuous traffic cuts generated by the works on the C-66 road, while the road resurfacing works last, TRANSFER BETWEEN THE GIRONA - BESALÚ LINE AND THE BTG... ...
Due to the effects caused by the La Jonquera mountain bike race, next Sunday, April 11, from 7 am to 2 pm, the La Jonquera stop at c. Lluís Companys will move to Carrer... ...
Due to the effects caused by the improvement works of the Esponellà bridge and the impossibility of carrying out the usual line, from Tuesday 6 April, TEISA will provide... ...
We would like to inform you that the works on the Boadella road have been completed, so from next Tuesday, April 6, the Figueres - Maçanet de Cabrenys service will return... ...
Due to the damage caused by the works to improve the Esponellà bridge, from Monday 29 March, the Banyoles - Figueres line will not be able to run on the usual route, so... ...
Due to the celebration of the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya 2021, next Tuesday 23 March from 11am to 5pm, the stalls in Vila Olímpica, Banyoles Center and Països Catalans... ...
From March 22, 2021, the Besalú stop will be moved to the Olot road with Carrer de Josep Maria Folch i Torres (in the direction of Olot) and with Carrer de la Piscina (in... ...
Due to the celebration of the Cycling Tour of Catalonia 2021, next Wednesday, March 24, the Camprodon - Campdevànol expedition at 4:00 pm and the Campdevànol - Camprodon... ...
Due to the adaptation works of av. Llibertat, from next Monday, February 8, the Girona - Banyoles - Olot line will have its route modified, the Vila Olímpica stop being... ...
Due to the works to adapt the Escaules road, the Figueres - Maçanet de Cabrenys line will have its route altered as well as its timetables as can be seen in the attached... ...
From Monday 30 November, the TEISA Group will start operating three new cross-border lines between Catalonia and the French region of Occitania. Two of these lines will originate in Figueres and the... ...
We inform you that from next Monday, October 26, 2020, the detailed expedition of the line Osor - Anglès - Girona, will change its schedule as can be seen below:
Due to the works scheduled for next Sunday 27 September, line 3 will change its route along Sta. Eugenia between 8 am and 7 pm, remaining as shown in the attached map. L4... ...
With the intention of improving the service, we inform you that from next Monday, September 14, 2020, the detailed shipments of the line Amer - Santa Coloma - Sils, will... ...
With the intention of improving the service, we inform you that from next Monday, September 14, 2020, the detailed shipments of the line Figueres - Vilarig, will change its... ...
Due to the works scheduled for next Friday, September 11, the route of line 6 as it passes through Vilaroja and Font de la Pólvora will be canceled, you can see the stops and ...
Due to the events scheduled for next Friday, September 11, the stop at St. Celoni will be canceled throughout the day.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Next Friday, September 11, 2020, the lines that run between Olot and Barcelona (through Banyoles, Amer and Bracons) will run on Saturdays in order to facilitate... ...
Per tal d’oferir el millor servei possible, us informem que TEISA començarà a reactivar els horaris habituals a partir del proper dilluns, dia 31 d’agost.
Amb motiu de les obres previstes pel proper dia 25 d’agost de 2020 al Carrer Major de Bescanó, els informem que es veurà afectada la línia Girona – Bescanó – Amer –... ...
On July 28, TEISA obtained the STOP COVID-19 certification, which guarantees that the company has a biological safety management system and that it complies with and exceeds the requirements and... ...
Due to the works planned for the next few days, from next Tuesday 1 September until Thursday 3 September, the route of line 6 as it passes through Carrer de Joan Bosco, will... ...
Due to the change of direction on Carrer Joan Fuster i Ortells carried out by Sarrià City Council, from next Monday, August 3, the stops at CAP Sarrià and Pla de l'Horta... ...
Due to the works carried out in c. del Carme, from next Monday, July 20, the stops of the L6 of the Cemetery and Vista Alegre with c. of Julià de Chia in the direction of... ...
We inform you that the special services for students of the OLOT - BARCELONA Line, WILL BE SUSPENDED UNTIL THE RESTORATION OF THE CLASSES AND THE NORMAL ACTIVITY IN THE... ...
Due to the cuts planned for this Sunday, March 08, 2020 in Aragó Street in Barcelona, the Sagrera and Fabra i Puig stops will be annulled, so only Pau Claris, 117 will be... ...
The Figueres city council informs us that due to the pruning of trees planned in Figueres for next Monday, March 9, 2020, the Rambla stop will be canceled from 06:00 to 08:00... ...
The City Council of La Cellera de Ter has informed us that next Sunday, March 8, access to the Cellera de Ter will be closed for the festival of the slaughter of the pig.... ...
This season I came to Montilivi with TEISA and forget about the car. Departures from two hours before the game and until an hour and a half later for only 0.50 Eur / journey (senior subscribers and... ...
Due to the paving of Ronda de Ponent in the municipality of st. Feliu de Guíxols, we inform you that from Tuesday, March 3 to Friday, March 6 from 08:00 to 19:00 the... ...
In order to improve the service, we inform you that from next Monday, March 2, 2019, the expeditions detailed below the St. line. Feliu - Llagostera - Quart - Girona, they... ...
Due to the Olot Carnival 2020 that will take place this Saturday, February 29, from 16 hours to 22 hours, the stops of the Ambulatory and La Rosaleda (Parc Nou) will be... ...
Due to the execution of the VII Duathlon of Girona, we inform you that next Sunday, March 3rd from 06:00 to 15:00 hours, the stops on the L6 indicated in the map will be... ...
The City Council of Girona has informed us that next Saturday, February 29, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., traffic will be closed on Av. Santa Eugènia and Paseo de Olot, on ...
Due to the celebration of the carnival in the municipality of sta. Cristina d'Aro, we inform you that next Sunday, February 23 from 16:30 hours and until 20:30 hours the... ...
TEISA has chosen to slightly modify the schedules of the Olot - Figueres line so that they adapt more to the reality of the line. That is why from Monday, February 24, the... ...
The City Council of Salt has informed us that next Saturday, February 15, from 16: 30h to 20:00 h, the access to the c / Major will be closed for the celebration of the ...
The City Council of Banyoles has informed us that next Saturday, February 15th from 15 h until 19 h, the Vila Olímpica stop will be canceled and the Banyoles - Center stop ...
Due to the meeting of classic vehicles next Sunday 16/02 in Arbúcies, throughout the morning the stop of pl. from Can Reus will move to the roundabout of Avinguda... ...
We inform you that during the next Sunday (16/2/20) the Pla de palau stop will be canceled from 8 to 12 h by the passage of the Barcelona Half Marathon. For this reason, ...